Our Formula
Say goodbye to hormone disruptors and hello to a gentle detergent that works.
Our concentrated laundry powder is 100% EDC-Free.
- only 6 simple ingredients
- tough on stains and stink - gentle on skin
- safe for pregnancy, breastfeeding and baby
Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Percarbonate, Saponified Coconut, Saponified Sunflower Oil, Sea Salt, Rosemary Extract.
Safe for all washers, HE machines, septic safe, cold water efficient
Yes! It's cloth diaper safe and gentle on newborns delicate skin. It's also great for those with sensitive skin and eczema.
Our detergent leaves clothes smelling fresh and clean, naturally. It just smells like clean laundry rather than added scents.
Liquid detergents are up to 90% water and water needs to preserved.
No water = no nasty preservatives.
Pods and strips contain PVA plastic which stays on our clothes, builds up in our washers, and doesn't really degrade in the environment.